Introduction to SanusAer Ozone Generators
The powers of ozone were first used in an industrial application in a drinking water plant built at Oudshoom, Holland in 1893. It is also used to purify all bottled water today, and to sanitize fruits and vegetables. As one of the earth’s strongest oxidants, nature uses ozone to purify the outdoors. Now SanusAer® harnesses that same power for use indoors. Partner with nature to safely disinfect, deodorize, and destroy the sources that poison the indoors.
Ozone Generators are a Green Solution to many problems. Ozone is perfect for broad-based Odor Removal, Disinfection, Allergen Elimination, and Fire, Flood & Mold Remediation. Below we will share with you the Pros and Cons of Ozone Generators:

Odor Removal: Because it is a strong oxidant, ozone will attack unpleasant odors (e.g. from smoke, cooking, mildew, pets, and etc.) at their source, cleaving the long chain molecules responsible and permanently eliminating the smell.
Mold Remediation: Ozone is lethal to molds, including toxigenic, black mold, etc. Ozone will eliminate mold and mildew odor and make it safer for the removal process.
Sanitization: As a gas, ozone is a broad based sanitizer capable of eliminating biological pollutants such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, thus maintaining microbiological control.
Allergen Elimination: Dust mites, pollen, and other allergens cannot survive an indoor ozone shock treatment, bringing immediate relief to allergy sufferers.
Natural Disasters: Ozone has been used to remediate indoor environments impacted by floods, tornados, wild fires, and earthquakes.
Chemical Pollutants: VOCs such as benzene, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, and others will be oxidized and destroyed by ozone, one of nature's most powerful oxidizing agents.
Commercial Agriculture: There are many applications for ozone in agriculture, especially related to odor control and broad based disinfection for disease control.
Remove Dead Mold: Ozone shock treatments will kill any mold; however, the dead mold still must be physically removed, since even dead mold can be allergenic. Additionally, the moisture source in the building must be eliminated to prevent reoccurrence.
Create a Pest Control Barrier: Ozone shock treatments will drive may insects / pests out of a building; however, there is no residual effect to prevent reoccurrence.
Remove Carpet Stains: Ozone shock treatments will eliminate the chemical and biological pollutants in carpets; however, it will not eliminate a stain.
Replace Dry Cleaning: Ozone shock treatments will sanitize clothing, bedding, and window coverings; however, professional dry cleaning may be required to remove visible residue.
Mitigate Radon Issues: Ozone shock treatments will oxidize radon gas; however, because the gas continually forms in the soil underneath the property, actual mitigation strategies are required.
The amazing powers of our odor remediation generator comes from ozone which is scientifically proven to transform the indoor environment by destroying the pollutants at the molecular level, thus eliminating odors at their source. Additionally, its disinfectant properties make ozone a perfect solution for microbiological control, destroying viruses and bacteria. Our treatment guidelines provide recommended protocols to help you achieve a successful outcome.
So, whether you’re dealing with cigarette smoke, pets, mildew, cooking odors, or another stubborn odor, you can rely on the SanusAer. Our odor remediation generators are easy to use and have a history of success in eliminating indoor odors.
We take pride in our generators and our ability to provide you with a recommended treatment protocol that will guarantee a successful elimination of your problem odors.
Call us at (740) 387-7873 [PURE] and we can talk through your situation and suggest the right unit to treat your property. And once you receive your new generator, our team is ready to back you with the best practices we’ve developed over the years so that you get the most out of your ozone generator.
If you are ready to make a purchase, or if you have questions, please contact us or call us.