Pets & Animals • Odor Removal and Sanitization
Whether the Family Dog, Veterinarian Offices, Groomers, Boarding Facilities or Breeders, pet odors can be a significant issue. Fragrances, enzyme treatments, or "cleaning' methods are often tried in vain before carpet/furniture replacement because of the expense involved. SanusAer high output ozone generators can play an important part of an effective odor elimination strategy, oxidizing odors at their source.

Of all the odors, pet odors are the most difficult to deal with, and are often "invisible" to the owner. These odors permeate carpets, furniture, window coverings, walls, and ceilings, making them very difficult to eliminate. The solutions available to the pet owner are typically fragrance-based, and only mask the situation, often making matters worse. High output ozone generators are a key tool for any pet odor removal strategy.
Problem: Pet odors can be the source of embarrassment, can reduce the value of a homeowner's property, and can be a component of sick home syndrome. They tend to penetrate permeable surfaces, making them almost impossible to remove with traditional cleaning methods. Carpets, wall coverings and other fabric materials absorb the long chain chemicals that make up the pet odor, and simply hang onto them for years and years.
Solution: Ozone gas can be an important component of any pet odor removal strategy. The first step is to close off the area to be treated and place a SanusAer high output ozone generator in the middle of the area. All people, pets, and plants must be removed from the area while the ozone generator runs for several hours (or longer depending on the severity of the odors). As the ozone circulates throughout the area, it will oxidize pet odors wherever it contacts them. And because ozone is a reactive gas, it will follow the same path that the animal odors took, attacking them as they cling to carpets, cabinets, furniture, upholstery and even inside air conditioning ducts. (Note: If urine has soaked deeply into the carpet padding, hardwood floors, and/or concrete, additional remediation may be required.) Our experts can office advice as to these additional steps that might be needed. Allow at least three hours for the ozone to dissipate before re-entry. If the pet odor has not been eliminated, the process may be repeated to improve the results.
Note: Obviously, it is best to treat the entire home at one time because pet odors may be trapped elsewhere in the building, even in the HVAC ducts. To help disperse the ozone gas, the HVAC fan can be turned to the ON position during the treatment, which also serves to attack any odors in the ductwork.