The sense of Smell is commonly referred to as the most powerful of our seven senses. Scents provide us a lot of information about the world around us, from what is safe to eat to whether we’re in grave danger. When it comes to our living spaces, if our home smells good, chances are we feel safe. If there is a problem odor, or our space doesn’t smell so fresh, it sends off an alarm, and suddenly we’re uneasy and our guests are left wondering whether they’re at risk!
1. The Best Smell is No Smell at All
The worst thing you can do is to apply fragrant sprays or plug-ins that just mask odors. You literally prevent any chance of identifying the source of the odor, and the opportunity to “fix” the problem. Your goal ought to be a home that doesn’t have any smell, free of any fragrances, and that means you first have to eliminate any odors’ source. Avoiding any fragrances, even essential oils ensures that your home doesn’t offend your sensitive guests.
2. Take Care of the ‘Usual Suspects’
Pay attention to those known areas where problems typically exist: kitty litter, diaper pails, trash cans, kitchen disposals, dishwashers, refrigerators, etc., anywhere persistent problems are possible. Remember, you are more than likely desensitized to these odors, even though a guest might immediately notice the funk! So, make sure you clean these areas thoroughly at least once a month, because you don’t know you have a problem.
3. Moisture is the Enemy
What is the number one cause of Mold and Mildew odors in a home? Excess moisture. Musty odors are common in moist and poorly ventilated areas, such as baseboards, ceilings, basements, and bathrooms. If you can’t see the mold, check behind the wallpaper, walls next to the pipes, and wood paneling. The mold may also develop inside air ducts and under the carpets.
Mold can cause allergies and respiratory complications. You can call an expert to eliminate the source of moisture and clean your home. The expert may also seal pipes and identify areas that leak water. A dehumidifier can also keep the air in your home dry and prevent mold growth. There are also ‘micro sources’ of moisture you should be aware of, especially in areas that have high contents of moisture on a daily basis (bathrooms as an example). Make sure your towels and bathmats are hung up after use to ensure that the moisture dissipates appropriately.
4. Open the Windows
One of the best ways to improve the indoor environment is to bring in fresh air! Since the energy crises of the early 1970s, builders have done their best to shut us indoors, with no air exchange which help odors and pollutants from accumulating in our homes. It may have been the right thing to do in terms of saving energy, but some experts would argue that we’ve put our health at risk because of our exposure to the dangerous indoor pollutants which have replaced fresh air. Ever wonder why the incidences of Asthma and Allergies have skyrockets since the early 1970’s? Occasionally opening your windows to let in fresh air also ensures that some of these pollutants are removed, especially if you’re able to set-up a cross breeze. No matter the weather, even a crack in your windows will allow for some essential air exchange which will dramatically improve your indoor environment.
5. Try an Ozone Generator
If your goal is a home with no odors at all, then there are tools you can use to neutralize odors, while not piling on a scent in the process. One such solution is Ozone, which is easily generated by a portable Ozone Generator. Simple to set up, you can treat an offensive odor in an unoccupied room in little time at all, eliminating the problem odors. What remains is a clean, fresh aroma that some liken to the beach, or the outdoors after a lightning storm. And afterwards, the natural scents of the home’s interior finishings (wood surfaces, floors, and cabinets) emerge. The experts at Advanced Purification, manufacturers of the SanusAer Ozone Generators are able to provide the best advice on using Ozone to ensure your home is always ‘new-built’ fresh. Visit their website at www.SanusAer.com.
Your home may be your castle, but when problem odors are around, you may not be aware of them because of nose-blindness! Usually, a neighbor or guest is left wondering, “what is that smell?” The worst thing you can do is attempt to cover up smells with sprays or fragrances. Rather, it is important to identify the source of the odor and attack it at its source. For example, moisture is a key contributor to disgusting mold and mildew odors. These musty smells are common in moist and poorly ventilated areas. You must dry out any moist areas, using a dehumidifier to lower humidity to below 60% to be effective. Another simple thing you can do is to open your windows to let fresh air in and the bad air out. Finally, it is important to remember that standard cleaning methods are generally not effective in neutralizing odor, because they can’t get at the source, which is often hidden. The ultimate solution is a SanusAer Ozone Generator, because as a gas Ozone penetrates anywhere air currents travel to permanently destroy odors at their source. Just like a vacuum cleaner, SanusAer Ozone Generators are affordable, easy to use, and very effective. Every household should own one! Visit www.SanusAer.com for more information on the most effective odor eliminator on the market today