Sick Building Syndrome • Sanitization & Odor Elimination
Sick Building Syndrome refers to those situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that are linked to time spent in a building. Hidden indoor pollutants, which include both biological and chemical agents can be at the source of these problems.

Poor indoor air quality is responsible for many deleterious health symptoms, including upper respiratory irritation, chest tightness, muscle aches, skin rashes, chronic headaches, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by indoor air pollution. And since most people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, it is important to have a solution that eliminates the sources of this indoor air pollution. SanusAer high output ozone generators are very effective at eliminating the sources that contaminate the indoor air.
Problem: The EPA estimates that 6 out of 10 buildings are considered sick due to (i) inadequate ventilation, (ii) Chemical contaminants from indoors sources, (iii) Chemical contaminants from outdoor sources, and (iv) Biological contaminants. Sometimes these conditions are temporary, however, these can be long-term problems as well. Often problems result from poor building design or occupant activities. Problem odors can also result, typically due to biological pollutants (such as mold and mildew), and these can be very difficult to address because the source is hidden in hard-to-reach areas.
Solution: High output ozone generators by SanusAer are very effective in oxidizing the wide variety of indoor pollutants found in a "Sick Building". And because ozone is also very effective in destroying microorganisms, it simultaneously treats problem odors at their source. Treating a 'sick building' involves vacating the area (no People, Pets, or Plants), and filling it with ozone utilizing SanusAer high output generators. For instance, the last person who leaves at night can activate the timer, operating the units overnight while the premise is vacant. As the entire treatment space fills with ozone, the indoor pollutants are oxidized wherever they are located (in the walls, carpets, furniture, or in the break room). The unit should be programmed to turn off a couple of hours before reopening to allow the ozone to dissipate.
The next morning, when staff and customers arrive, they will observe a "clean" smell, and an office devoid of the indoor pollutants causing the health issues. Additionally, no chemical residual is left behind, and there are no fragrance smells from deodorizers that attempt to mask odors, (which are objectionable to many people). Not only will the staff enjoy the fresh smelling office, their productivity will increase, while their sick days decrease.
Note: Obviously, it is best to treat the entire building at one time because indoor pollutants may be trapped in the HVAC ducts. To help disperse the ozone gas, the HVAC fan can be turned to the ON position during the treatment.