Flood • Odor Removal and Disinfection
When a building floods, the water often brings unintended consequences, including bacteria. Additionally, the moist environment supports the growth of dangerous mold and mold spores. Making the property safer for remediation, while deodorizing the space, is possible with SanusAer Ozone Generators. In fact, remediation contractors use ozone generators for mold remediation, because they are very effective at eliminating the threat. Of course, they also use ozone for their Fire and Flood projects as well. Today, Ozone is a critical tool used by most remediation companies.

When there is a flood, the growth of mold and mildew is inevitable. That's why it is important that the space be dried out completely, to keep the spores from colonizing and growing. Most people are sensitive to the mycotoxins (fungal toxins) these molds produce and to some, these allergens are toxic! If left unchecked, mold growth can create a significant disaster. SanusAer® high output ozone generators will kill the mold and eliminate its odors at their biological source.
Problem: Moisture promotes mold growth and can lead to large areas of contamination. Sometimes the only evidence of mold is the odor and the health symptoms of the occupants, which can range from minor irritation to more complicated immune responses and even serious life threatening health consequences. Utilizing standard cleaning chemicals and methods alone will not effectively eliminate the problem. A more broad-based approach is required, especially due to the airborne spores, making ozone the critical part of the solution.
Solution: Ozone is a very strong oxidant/disinfectant, and because it is a gas, can be effectively used to treat homes, offices, and buildings contaminated by mold. It has been used commercially for a number of years by remediation and restoration firms. The efficacy of ozone as opposed to other cleaning methods, relates to the fact that ozone is a gas, and can travel anywhere air currents take it, treating all the surfaces and the air in a given space.
Note: Ozone shock treatments will destroy mold and mildew, effectively killing the microorganisms responsible; however, there are two factors that must be considered: (1) Mold or mildew depends upon water / moisture to grow and proliferate. It is very important to ensure that the space is completely dried out after a flood. (2) Some allergens will survive the destruction of the cell by ozone, so it is very important to physically clean / remove the dead mold when it is exposed / visible. Whenever working around mold, before or after the shock treatment with ozone, personal protective equipment is always recommended.